Department of Physics AstroLab

Orbits and Orbital Determination References


Astronomy with your Personal Computer by Peter Duffett-Smith contains very useful examples of how to determine positions.

Challenges of Astronomy by Schlosser, Schmidt-Kaler and Milone has an introduction to orbital calculations (Chapter14, Orbits and Space Travel).

Astronomy on the Personal Computer by Montenbruck and Pfleger, contains extensive information on orbital calculations.

Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus, contains much useful material on orbital calculations.

Methods of Orbit Determination for the Microcomputer by Dan L. Boulet.

Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics by J.M.A. Danby.

Astrophysics with a PC by Paul Hellings has an interesting chapter on "The Restricted Three-Body Problem" with particular reference to the trojan asteroids.


Ross Bannister's A Guide to Computing Orbital Positions in the Solar System

Paul Schlyter's How to compute planetary positions and a tutorial

NASA's Orbit Viewer applet

Robert Braeunig's Orbital Mechanics

Dr. J. B. Tatum's Orbital Mechanics

Osculations in Minor Planet Orbits


ProjectPluto's excellent FIND_ORB program which calculates orbital parameters from a set of positional measurements is also available. Details on the input file format can be found here. There are some mathematical details on Herget's Method.

The OrbFit Software Package

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