Department of Physics | University of Durham | Level One |
Two archival photographic plates (taken in 1937 and 1960) of the sky area near Barnard's star have been scanned and are available on the PC (filenames and These images cover a sky area of 15x15 arcminutes and the scale is 1.7 arcsecond per pixel.
Archival 1937 image of Barnard's star region |
Archival 1960 image of Barnard's star region |
These images have been calibrated onto the standard co-ordinate system, i.e. the translation between the x,y position on the image and RA, Dec has been determined. These images are in FITS format which is often used for astronomical data. The FITSview programme is used to display and inspect these images on the PC.
Start FITSview and load an image from the default folder. Test out the features of the programme. Note how the Zoom works, how the display levels of the image can be changed, how clicking the left mouse button on the image gives the indicated position in the panel and how the centroids of stars can be measured by clicking the right mouse button. One feature of FITSview is that the display is occasionally overwritten and an image must be Reloaded.
The position of Barnard's star on these two images can be measured as
This page is maintained by jrl. Last updated: 1998-Jun-06