Department of Physics |
AstroLab |
Lab Linux
Here are some helpful commands that will help you work in the terminal environment:
- ls: Lists all files in the directory that you are currently in.
- ls -lrth: Similar to
ls , but gives more information such as date last edited and size of file.
- rm: Remove file. e.g:
> rm file.dat
- cd: Change directory. e.g.
> cd Downloads
- cd .. : Go up one directory level
- pwd: Prints current directory (pwd=present working directory).
- mkdir: Make directory, eg
> mkdir newfolder would make a new directory named newfolder.
- cp: Copy file to new location, e.g.
> cp /mnt/64bin/fastsolve.py /home/astrolab/ would copy fastsolve.py to the astrolab directory.
- emacs: Open file in emacs, a text editor. Useful for reading .py and .txt files.
- gaia: A useful tool to view and analyse fits images.
            e.g. > gaia /mnt/archive/east-14/19_02_04/ad0027.fits
- ds9: Another useful tool to view and analyse fits images
- /mnt/archive/       telescope archive(s):
- /mnt/archive/west-14
- /mnt/archive/east-16
- /mnt/archive/far-east-20
- /mnt/archive/draco2
- /mnt/archive/pt5m
- /mnt/64bin/       software repository for useful codes