Department of Physics |
AstroLab |
Introduction to the AstroLab
The AstroLab is a level 3 option of the BSc/MPhys Physics degree
courses (including the BSc/MPhys Physics and Astronomy course) in which students undertake
projects in observational astronomy using the telescopes on the roof of the Physics
building. The projects are term based and are equivalent to three laboratory sessions of
three hours per week over a term. All projects are based on the assumption that
observations will be obtained on at least seven evenings during the term. A typical
observing session would be three hours.
- plan their projects
- make the observations
- reduce the data
- analyse the results
- write a report
Aims of the AstroLab
The overall aim of the Level 3 Laboratory Course is to allow students
to build on the experience in experimental physics gained in the
previous years in the Department by carrying out an advanced project
and producing a scientific report. The AstroLab section offers a
variety of observational astronomy projects which focus on the
dynamical nature of the universe. The AstroLab objectives are
To appreciate the overall aim of the individual project
and its wider importance.
To learn how to gather experimental data on the universe
using a modern observatory.
To gain skills for the reduction and analysis of the
numerical data
gathered, with particular reference to finding the
uncertainty on the
final results.
To produce a scientific report of the project which describes the
background, the experimental details, the data reduction, the
data analysis and the final result. The report should be
framed such that someone outside the laboratory itself, but with
a scientific background, is able to appreciate the project
and the work
undertaken. Further details on the format of the report can
be found on DUO.