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This code uses a technique of phase dispersion minimisation to find the period of an asteroid.

On a CCD image the brightness of an asteroid is typically measured relative to two comparisons stars. From night-to-night as the asteroid moves different comparison stars must be used. allows for night-to-night magnitude zero-point offsets using a very simple version of the phase dispersion minimisation technique. This assumes that the shape of the light curve does not change from night-to-night (run-to-run). Alternatively, if you are using calibrated photometry then should be used (does not allow for night-to-night magnitude zero-point offsets).

Program overview:

  • Input a list of the summary.obs files (in file 'obs_list') from up to 20 runs.
    e.g. obslist --> 23_11_01/results.diff
  • On the command line, run:
  Period PeriodScanFraction NscanBins
  0.7 0.1 1000

    This will scan over +/- 10% of the period with 1000 increments.

The results are saved in new_model.dat, and various plots are produced:

  • best_model.png: The best light curve
  • best_phase.png: Plot of the dispersion as a function of phase, identifying the minimised dispersion.
  • all_models.png: Plot of each of the individual datasets on top of the best lightcurve, corrected for their magnitude offsets.

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