"Ida and Company" by J.K.Beatty, Sky & Telescope, January
1995, p20.
The book, "The System of Minor Planets" by Gunter Roth.
(copy available in the Astrolab).
Peter Duffett-Smith's book "Astronomy with your personal computer"
contains very useful examples of how to determine positions.
Very accurate positions can be found at
Note the different types of positions listed, i.e.
ICRF/J2000.0 and apparent.
Chapter 8 of "The Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing"
by Richard Berry and James Burnell is an excellent introduction to
photometry. This book also contains very good general information
about the reduction of CCD data. A copy is available in the AstroLab
and in the University's Main Library
Christian Buil's CCD Astronomy is also another excellent book.
A copy is available in the AstroLab and in the University's Main Library.