Suitable targets can selected from the
Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD).
Exoplanet Transit Searches and Databases: SuperWasp and
TESS/Kepler/K2 etc.
Swathmore Exoplanet transit database: SETD.
Chapter 8 of "The Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing"
by Richard Berry and James Burnell is an excellent introduction to
photometry. This book also contains very good general information
about the reduction of CCD data. A copy is available in the AstroLab
and in the University's Main Library
Christian Buil's CCD Astronomy is also another excellent book.
A copy is available in the AstroLab and in the University's Main Library
Introduction to Astronomical Photometry by
Edwin Budding
- VSNET including tools for
period finding.
It is recommended that an image from the
Digital Sky Survey is also produced covering an area of 30'x30' centred
on your varaible star. This can be downloaded
from the STScI or ESO web site. Save the images in FITS format and
display with the FITSVIEW on MS Windows or GAIA on Linux.
Local software for the
initial data reduction
- Filter Systems
Hannu Parviainens'
PyTransit code is designed to model transit light curves. The paper describing the code can be